Munna bhai mbbs hd comedy movie 19s

 Munna Bhai MBBS is a Bollywood film directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The movie revolves around the protagonist Murli Prasad Sharma aka Munna Bhai (played by Sanjay Dutt a local goon with a kind heart. Munna pretends to be a doctor in order to fulfill his father's wish of seeing him become a respected professional.

Munna's life takes a turn when he falls in love with Dr. Suman Asthana (played by Gracy Singh a medical intern at the same hospital where Munna is pretending to be a doctor. Munna's charm and unique methods of treatment win her over but his facade starts to crumble when his lies catch up to him.

While pretending to be a doctor Munna forms a close bond with his sidekick Circuit (played by Arshad Warsi who helps him navigate through various challenges. Together they bring a refreshing and unconventional approach to the medical field challenging the norm of traditional treatments.

As the story progresses Munna's true identity is exposed and he is expelled from the hospital. However his love for Suman and his desire to make amends lead him to study hard and re-enroll in medical school legitimately.

In the climax of the movie Munna successfully completes his medical studies and is finally able to practice medicine legally. With his newfound knowledge and empathy he aims to bring a positive change to the healthcare system and to treat patients with kindness and compassion.

Munna Bhai MBBS is not just a comedy movie but also a heartwarming tale that explores themes of friendship love and the power of healing. It became a massive hit at the box office and received critical acclaim for its unique storytelling and memorable characters.

The success of Munna Bhai MBBS led to a sequel titled "Lage Raho Munna Bhai where Munna's journey takes a philosophical turn as he learns about Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of truth and non-violence. Together with Circuit he aims to bring Gandhian ideals into the modern world.


  1. Osm movie os 19s😎👍😍🎥💥

  2. Good job and wish you best luck🤘💓


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